Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

The War Within: A Secret White House History 2006-2008 (Kindle Edition)

This is Woodward?s fourth book about Bush as a war President, and, if the previous one, State of Denial, might have been called ?Iraq: The Lost Years, the latest is all about rehab. Again and again, officials, diplomats, and military men stage interventions, to make the President address the impending collapse of his war. Woodward is maddened by Bushs impassivity (Sure would be nice if this got better, the President tells Condoleezza Rice), and his lack of honesty with the public. Claiming that the Iraq surge has got credit that should have gone to other factors (including a secret program whose details he cant divulge), Woodward finds scant evidence that the Administration has a plan to exploit the recent fall in violence to achieve a political settlement or victory a term that, when pressed, the President is unable to define.
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